Visitors of ELLOPOS, mostly students and professors, using these pages regularly asked for a way to search without having first to visit the sites and go to the relevant search departments.
Ellopos Easy Search is a light freeware you can install to enjoy an instant hotkey menu with search options.
Ellopos Easy Search will let you run immediately specialized searches on the Bible pages (Bilingual versions of the New Testament and the Septuagint Old Testament) as well as on Plato and Aristotle pages, even a global search on Ellopos and Elpenor pages.
The default hotkey for the Easy Search Menu is Ctrl+Alt+9 but you can change it with whatever you like. Besides instant search power, the program includes a menu with useful links, which you can customize. You can also add custom menus of your own.
Ellopos Easy Search is a custom version of the Favorite Launcher created especially for Ellopos. It is absolutely safe and runs on Windows computers.
An Alternative, less powerful, way
If you are not on a Windows computer you can add ELLOPOS SEARCH to the engines in the Search Box of your browser (right top corner). This way you will enjoy easy access to Ellopos Libraries, but not the specialized searches included in the downloadable program.
If you have a web site yourself
If you'd like to offer to the visitors of your web site or blog the Ellopos search options, just embed in your pages any of these pieces of code: