Publication 1036
By Arcadian on
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Friday, July 30, 2004
The Song of the Syrinx
The events in the agora
that go by
without rumors,
events not clear
to reason,
not noticed by the many
in the grind
of making a living,
you capture in your songs.
So play your flute,
the one made by hand -
the weathered one
you chose
amongst the water reeds
then carved
the five holes
for the pentatonic scale.
Inhale and allow
your breath
to tell a story
But do not harbor
any doubts
in your heart
as to who would want
to listen to you.
Some will listen
to what you say
and find something
pleasing in your rhythms
and others that scratch
beneath the surface
will find a gem,
and yet others
will take a dim view,
and of course for others -
it will mean nothing.
So begin your song,
the effort and desire
to compose your work
was not for yourself alone,
but for strangers
that would stop and listen
in the throngs of the agora.
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